Inspired by a fantastic ride in Devon with our friends at Bikemoor we headed into the Glynn Valley, looking for uncharted cycle tracks. We picked Largin Wood for our first evening exploration, it looked like it had a good track route, plus an iron age hill fort.
The route started off downhill (great!) through large conifers
Some friendly walkers pointed in the right direction for the hill fort. We had to leave our bikes at the track, find our way through some dense conifer, to break out into oak woodland covering the hill fort site. It really didn’t look like the hill fort gets many visits, except for the deer we disturbed. With the evening sun shining through the oak woods it was spectacular.
The tracks we were riding were easy and relaxed, and strangely seemed mostly downhill (not my usual experience on a bike). But, crossing the main tracks were lots of lots of much less easy and relaxed tracks, used by the armour clad downhill mountain bikers (we didn’t see any).
Some great views over the valley where there’s been felling in the last few years